Sunday, May 17, 2020

An Essay About Greek Gods And Goddesses - 939 Words

Have you ever tried writing a paper and realized that you weren’t really getting anywhere? I know I sure have! It was in about eighth or ninth grade, which seems along the lines of forever ago but also shows how much this specific writing assignment affected me, even until this day. I experienced what it feels like to have writer’s block for the first time. It ended up helping me in the long wrong, though, after collecting a large amount of information. So, don’t get discouraged if you find yourself in a sort of ‘writer’s block’ like I did, over inform if that’s what works for you but then downsize it all and don’t be afraid to have a little fun with it! I was learning all about Greek Gods and Goddesses: their most well-known stories, their relation to each other, and other details about them. For the final project in that class, we were assigned an essay. I immediately thought to myself â€Å"Oh great!† because I strongly dislike to write, mainly because of the fact that I’m not very good at it. Well I shouldn’t say that I’m a bad writer, it’s that just what I write isn’t very entertaining. It lacks that certain component which makes a reader want to continue reading. The assignment was to make up our own story about the different Gods and Goddesses but still incorporate facts within our own story. I immediately knew I was going to struggle with this. I don’t see myself as a very creative person, (which is probably why I don’t like writing), but then I was supposed to doShow MoreRelatedGreek And Roman Mythology881 Words   |  4 PagesGreek and Roman Mythology Since the dawn of time, different societies have worshiped gods, believing in their power and being afraid of their fury. People have prayed and made sacrifices in order to achieve the gods mercy and generosity. 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